3 minutes to relieve your anxiety from wellness and high performance coach Nordine Zouareg, author of the book Inner Fitness. This clip is a flashback from the full episode which you can find here: https://www.championsmojo.com/episodepage/nordinezouareg127?rq=nordine
Nordine Zouareg is a French-American fitness personality, high-performance coach and author who has won Mr. France, Mr. Europe, Mr. World and Mr. Universe. He was a sickly infant, with a birth weight of two pounds. Poor health played a huge role in his childhood, resulting in a lot of spinoff problems, such as bullying. During his teens, he focused on becoming a gymnast, eventually finding bodybuilding and earning his first national title in 1985. He went on to win Mr. Universe twice - in 1986 and 1988.
Today he is an author and promotes his “mind over body” philosophy.
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