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Nordine Zouareg: Boosting Your Inner Fitness, Episode #127, 09-07-2021
Nordine Zouareg: Boosting Your Inner Fitness, Episode #127,…
Do you realize what a gift this ONE life truly is? How do you find your self worth and overcome life's challenges to enjoy that gift? Welln…
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Sept. 7, 2021

Nordine Zouareg: Boosting Your Inner Fitness, Episode #127, 09-07-2021

Nordine Zouareg: Boosting Your Inner Fitness, Episode #127, 09-07-2021

Do you realize what a gift this ONE life truly is? How do you find your self worth and overcome life's challenges to enjoy that gift?

Wellness and high performance coach Nordine Zouareg, author of the book Inner Fitness, talks with Kelly and Maria about how he overcame physical challenges and anxiety in his childhood to become a world-renowned bodybuilder -- and how he continues to motivate others today through his books and coaching.

Sign up for your free consultation on health, leadership and life coaching with Kelly or Maria at ChampionsMojo.com/cm-coaching.

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Nordine Zouareg is a French-American fitness personality, high-performance coach and author who has won Mr. France, Mr. Europe, Mr. World and Mr. Universe. He was a sickly infant, with a birth weight of two pounds. Poor health played a huge role in his childhood, resulting in a lot of spinoff problems, such as bullying. During his teens, he focused on becoming a gymnast, eventually finding bodybuilding and earning his first national title in 1985. He went on to win Mr. Universe twice - in 1986 and 1988. 

Today he is an author and promotes his “mind over body” philosophy.

Episode Topics and Mentions


COVID-19 pandemic


Inner fitness

Inner conflict

Wellness coaching


Mental health

Finding your passion




Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Self worth


Nordine’s InnerFitness Tribe



  1. Follow your passion and it will release you from your anxiety.
  2. Remember to do more of what you love, less of what you tolerate and none of what you hate.


  1. Use the concept of the anchor -- a vision in your mind that programs you to walk in the direction of your goals. 
  2. At the base of every mountain, there is someone willing to help you. Find that person or those people

Quote of the Week

“Inner fitness is simply the harmony or the equilibrium between the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual aspect of one’s self. When you have that in equilibrium, you have inner fitness.” -- Nordine Zouareg

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Email us at HELLO@ChampionsMojo.com. Opinions discussed are not medical advice, please seek a medical professional for your own health concerns.