Olympic medalist and professional swimming general manager Kaitlin Sandeno approaches challenges with a mindset that they are minor -- and that in order to find your true path in life, you have to face your doubts and fears head-on. In this exclusive interview with Kelly and Maria, Kaitlin shares about her decision to brighten the lives of children with cancer and the positive character traits she’s developed as an athlete.
Kaitlin Sandeno is an Olympic gold medalist, six-time World Champion, former world record holder and current Pan American Games record holder for Team USA. She is a sports broadcaster, keynote speaker and serves as the general manager for International Swim League team the DC Trident.
Kaitlin Sandeno is the author of Golden Glow: How Kaitlin Sandeno Achieved Gold in the Pool and in Life which recounts her swimming career and details the impact she has made in the world outside the pool. She is the national spokesperson for the Jessie Rees Foundation and spreads joy around the country to children fighting cancer. She is the host of her own podcast, Behind the Blocks.
Episode Topics and Mentions
DC Trident professional swim team
International Swim League, ISL
Golden Glow: How Kaitlin Sandeno Achieved Gold in the Pool and in Life
Hamilton: An American Musical
Las Vegas
Konstantin Grigorishin
Fair pay
Katie Ledecky
Jason Lezak
Lenny Krayzelburg
NEEGU - Never ever ever give up
Joy Jars - items for childhood cancer patients
Time management
University of Southern California
Jon Urbanchek
Amanda Beard
Cyndi Gallagher
Obstacles are speed bumps, not stop signs
Quote of the Week
“We want to celebrate and share our highs, but our lows are just as important." -- Kaitlin Sandeno
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