In just two minutes you'll hear some advice for when road blocks come up, from Olympic Icon Amanda Beard, and how to turn those into confidence. This is a micro-mojo flashback from Amanda's full interview, Episode #139 whic...
If you are an athlete, parent, or someone who is trying to keep multiple balls in the air successfully, you’re going to want to stick around and get some Mojo from today's guest. In this episode are joined by marathon swimmin...
Our special guest today joins us all the way from Melbourne, Australia! Want the scoop on all things Australian Swimming? Aussie Danielle Spurling is a FINA World Masters Top 10 Ranked pool swimmer, has had a life-long involv...
Sheera Goren, CEO and Co-Founder of Zygo joins Kelly and Maria to talk about this game-changing product for swimmers. Zygo is the only underwater streaming audio product on the market. This micro pod explains in just 10 minut...
Are you living in the present? Or stuck on past mistakes or future worries? Swimming legend Amanda Beard swam in four Olympics, but struggled silently with depression, bulimia and body dysmorphia. She joins the show to talk a...
Are you coachable in life? Being able to level up and live your life’s true purpose takes focused listening, vulnerability and self-reflection, according to performance coach and former D1 swim coach Steve Mellor. He joins th...
Almost everything we want comes through other people and the best leaders know this principle: You can’t be a leader without others. Influencing others begins by connecting, and in order to do that, you must take an interest ...
Matt Biondi is one of America’s most decorated Olympic swimmers -- but he left the sport 30 years ago due to unhappiness with the status quo. He felt forced to give up his dreams to become a professional swimmer and earned a ...
The role of strength training is underutilized -- but entrepreneur Chris Ritter is trying to change that. In this exclusive interview with Kelly and Maria, Chris talks about how strength is the foundation for all athletic gro...
Kara Lynn Joyce: How to Trust Yourself, Episode #81 September 15, 2020 Taking the time to listen to your inner voice can lead you to the best, most authentic decisions. Olympic swimmer Kara Lynn Joyce talks with Kelly and Mar...
Swimmer, coach, business startup genius -- as the co-founder of the app MySwimPro, Fares Ksebati shows how grit and determination, even with limited resources, can produce success. Ksebati was recently selected by Forbes Maga...
What role does mindfulness play in the success of an athlete? Natalie Coughlin has 12 Olympic medals and 12 world titles, making her the most decorated woman swimmer in history. She talks about returning to competition after ...
How does Cody Miller maintain balance in his life? He’s an Olympic champion, professional swimmer and YouTube star, with a dedicated training schedule toward the 2020 Olympic Trials, who says maintaining consistency and showi...
Lenny Krayzelburg is a four-time Olympic gold medalist, a Swim School franchise developer and General Manager of the L.A. Current, an International Swim League, ISL, founding team. In this exclusive and revealing interview, h...
Subscribe to the Champion's Mojo podcast on iTunes , Spotify and Google Play . Leave us a review, too! Innovation is part of a champion’s mindset. In this episode, hosts Kelly Palace and Maria Parker speak with Mel Stewart , ...