Best Selling Author Caroline Miller: Getting Grit, EP 5

What makes one person persevere through challenges, while another succumbs to them? The character trait of grit is only partially inherent; people can develop the grit they need to flourish in difficulties with the right mindset.
In this episode, hosts Kelly Palace and Maria Parker speak with best-selling author about her latest book GETTING GRIT and how we can get grittier. You’ll love to hear great advice from Caroline Adams Miller, who is one of the world’s leading experts on the science behind successful goal setting and the use of "good grit" to achieve hard things. For more than 30 years, she’s been sharing her research-backed, actionable strategies to help people cultivate more grit and dig deeper to clarify and achieve their toughest goals.
Caroline breaks down the idea of grit into several types:
Good grit: This is the type of grit that is authentic, and that awes or inspires others.
Bad grit: Also referred to as "stupid" or "stubborn" grit, this type happens when the individual pursues personal goals at all costs.
Selfie grit: The need to tell everyone about the difficult things the individual is accomplishing.
Faux grit: People who want the recognition of doing accomplishment without actually doing the hard work.
Hear Caroline speak in person at the upcoming event: Creating Your Best Life --
How to Pursue Meaningful Goals and Live with No Regrets on April 26 to 29 at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Stockton, Massachusetts. Learn more here.
Quote of the Week: "People with grit are renowned for setting hard—some would say unrealistic—goals. Because people with grit don’t go for easy, low-hanging fruit and have to work persistently for a long time to see success, their pursuit of tough goals, and often their success in achieving them, is what inspires other people to step out of their comfort zone, too." - Caroline Adams Miller
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